A Christian Understanding of Diversity

One body, many members.

Our Commitment to Equity, Diversity & Inclusion

In its Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion work, Kentro Network exists to move people and organizations from a position of disconnection to connection. In Canada, we partner with First Nations and Indigenous Peoples to honour and promote the use of land acknowledgments at Kentro Christian Network and our member organizations. We work to encourage learning journeys to drive equitable HR practices, communications, and programs. We partner closely with Cooperation Canada’s Anti-Racism work as we continue to learn.

The ethnicity of Jesus was historically portrayed as a reflection of the imaginations of early book illustrators at the behest of English monarchs. Yet we know that the Bible, as it survives today, is replete with images, invitations, and declarations concerning the global family of God. Although used as a weapon of hatred to perpetuate injustices, and fan the flames of bigotry and division, it is hard to argue with the inclusivity of Jesus’ invitation.

Jesus affirmed that the Son could only do what he sees the Father doing (John 5:19), and by this, we know that the inclusivity of Christ in the Gospels finds its source earlier, in the original plan for humanity. In Genesis 1:26, we witness the unity of the Godhead creating humanity in its image. An examination of the Godhead reveals three persons, each with its unique role and voice yet unified in purpose.

Jesus was not only concerned about racial bias (Luke 10:27). All who were society’s disempowered, disadvantaged, vulnerable, stigmatized, and disaffected were invited to participate (Matthew 11:28). He defended a woman’s right to safe space and agency, leading to greater self-discovery and empowerment (Luke 10:42) and a child’s right to contribute (Matthew 19:14).

Kentro Network is committed to living and working out of this truth: we are all God’s children (Galatians 3:18). We belong to a vibrant, diverse, global family that will be equally diverse in heaven as here on earth (Revelation 7:9).

A kid is reading a book

Collaboration is at the center

Organizations can’t fight poverty on their own. Get connected. We are stronger together.