Connecting the Body of Christ in Canada to walk with the poor

Group of kids and a woman smiling together illustrating Mission Through Connection in droplet icon
Close-up of a kid's smiling face in a droplet icon

Organizations can’t fight poverty on their own.
Get connected. We are stronger together.

Get connected and reach your full potential

Close-up two smiling face kids

Our History

Kentro Christian Network, formerly known as the CCRDA, started as a working group of the Canadian Centre for Christian Charities.

Started in 1984 and evolved to its own organization in 2007, it continues to be the central place for Canadian Christian agencies and individuals involved in international relief and development to encourage one another, cooperate, share expertise and experience.

50+ Organizations
$840 million in combined reach

Que vous soyez une grande organisation bien établie ou un acteur nouveau et émergent dans ce domaine, Kentro offre des opportunités continues d’apprendre, de partager et d’influencer de manière plus importante que n’importe quelle organisation peut le faire seule.

World Vision
Member Organization

Excellence in development is about understanding how fundamental principles for human development are rooted in one’s faith and translated into effective practices that address people’s relationship with God, each other and their environment. Kentro membership allows us to explore these issues together.

World Renew
Member Organization

It is an exciting time to belong to Kentro as they focus on strengthening their investment in relief and development organizations, so we in-turn can maximize our impact on lives and communities.

Compassion Canada
Member Organization

As a recent immigrant to Canada and then stepping into the Non-profit sector, my connection with the Kentro has been instrumental in me both better understanding the context of this space and meeting like-minded leaders.

Andre Lesur, Executive Director, Global Disciples Canada
Individual Subscriber

Kentro is an important hub for organizations interested in listening, sharing, and enhancing our capacity to love our neighbours. It’s a pleasure to go shoulder to shoulder with Kentro to provide forums of mutuality, curiosity, and care for each other’s missions. Kentro represents the vision we seek for all our work – cooperation in the service of helping more people. Who wouldn’t want to be part of that!

Chris Bosch, Chisel Consulting
Preferred Partner

Kentro promotes a vision where excellence and performance matters. In our fast-paced industry where we observe the convergence of new partnerships from private, public and academic sectors, this idea resonates with me the most! If you want a place where you can have discussions, share ideas and promote new innovations where people are respectful, reflective and prayerful – then Kentro is the place to do that.

Phil Tanner, EPIC Consultancy
Preferred Partner

Kentro exemplifies the reason Fullwell exists. In service to member organizations, it’s an honor to work with Kentro and the other preferred partners to contribute to our combined global impact.

Dave Blundell, Fullwell Leadership
Preferred Partner
World Vision
World Renew
Global Disciples Canada
EPIC Consultancy logo
Fullwell Leadership

is at the center

Organizations can’t fight poverty on their own. Get connected. We are stronger together.