Connecting the Body of Christ in Canada to walk with the poor

Organizations can’t fight poverty on their own.
Get connected. We are stronger together.
Who we are
Kentro is a network of over 70+ organizations and individuals that are based in Canada and working to address poverty and injustice worldwide from a Christ-centred perspective. We are the connecting point for all Canadian Christian relief and development organizations and professionals.
What we do
Kentro Christian Network moves people and organizations from a position of disconnection to connection. We link individuals and organizations into the bigger picture, so that we ALL know that we are not alone in this important work of addressing poverty and injustice. We learn from each other; collaborate together; and encourage one another.
Get connected and reach your full potential

Our History
Kentro Christian Network, formerly known as the CCRDA, started as a working group of the Canadian Centre for Christian Charities.
Started in 1984 and evolved to its own organization in 2007, it continues to be the central place for Canadian Christian agencies and individuals involved in international relief and development to encourage one another, cooperate, share expertise and experience.
50+ Organizations
$840 million in combined reach
is at the center
Organizations can’t fight poverty on their own. Get connected. We are stronger together.