Kentro member organizations represent over $800 million working all around the globe. We are proud to have the following organizations as members of the Network.

Our Domestic Members

Our International Members

ADRA logo
acts for water logo with a droplet symbol
CBM logo with tagline "embracing a broken world through word & deed"
Canadian Foodgrains Bank with a grain symbol with tagline A Christian Response to Hunger
Cause canada logo
Christian mission aid logo with tagline where the resources meet the needs
compassion logo
crossroads logo
Fair logo with globe in a hand
Flourish financial - lending, learning, loving transparent logo
Food for the hungry logo
Gain - A global Aid Network logo
Elevation Project youth Unlimited Logo
HPIC - delivering health and hope logo
Hope and healing international - forever Christian logo
Hopestory logo
Hungry for Life international Logo
impact hope - shaping stronger communities logo
international justice mission logo
International Team Canada - Lives & Communities Transformed logo
medical ministry international logo
mission go logo
mission partners international logo
Nazarene Compassionate Ministries Canada logo
Ontario Christian Gleaners logo
Partners relief and development logo
plateau perspectives community development and conservation logo
Prairie Gleaners resourceful unto the world logo
The salvation army - giving hope today logo
Samaritan's Purse international relief Canada logo
SIM - Serving in mission logo
step international Canada logo
Tearfund - following Jesus where the need is greatest logo
wellspring - empowering a new generation logo
World hope international logo
world renew logo with tagline living justice, loving mercy, serving Christ
world vision logo
A kid is reading a book

Collaboration is at the center

Organizations can’t fight poverty on their own. Get connected. We are stronger together.