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Kentro Webinar: Stats vs Stories: What motivates Donors?

Mar 6 | 1:00 pm 2:00 pm EST

Fundraisers often grapple with how best to approach potential donors, and what their triggers are. A lot of research has been done on this topic, and there is clear data available. Matt Hussey will unpack this topic in his session, including:

  • -The psychology of giving and self actualization.
  • -What is philanthropy (humans loving humans).
  • -What motivates people to give.
  • -The follies of presuming logic is a driver to giving.
$15 FREE for members and $15 for non-members

** All participants are asked to read and abide by Kentro’s Principles of Welcome & Learning, which can be found here: https://kentronetwork.ca/kentro-principles-of-welcome-learning