Who We Are
We are the connection point for all Canadian Christian relief and development organizations
The problem of poverty is huge – felt both locally and internationally. No one organization can conquer poverty on their own. Kentro connects you to the bigger picture so that we can “pull in the same direction” rather than being alone, disconnected, and small in the face of a vast problem.

Our History
We are in it together, working together, and pulling in the same direction.
Kentro Christian Network, formerly known as the CCRDA, started as a working group of the Canadian Centre for Christian Charities in 1984. Having evolved to its own organization in 2007, it continues to be the central place for Canadian Christian agencies and individuals involved in international relief and development to encourage one another, cooperate, share expertise and experience.

Faith Position
Centred on Christ and in collaboration with all.
Kentro Christian Network is centred on Christ. Members hold organizational commitments or convictions that are in line with either the Nicene Creed and/or the World Evangelical Alliance Statement of Faith.

A Christian Understanding of Diversity
One body, many members.
Kentro member agencies and individuals have committed to embodying a village or community more fully at the meeting place of our shared faith and purpose. This commitment is seen most clearly in Kentro’s commitment to Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion here in Canada and our International Cooperation work.

Creation Care
Why it matters to us.
As bearers of God’s image, all people have the responsibility and privilege of caring for God’s creation. Christians in particular should be motivated by Scripture. We ought to love and care for the Earth because it is God’s very good creation, and because we must care for the most vulnerable people on the planet.

Annual Report
Collaboration has an impact. Our members are stronger together.
Each year, Kentro Christian Network provides highlights of our programs, shares impact stories from our members and conveys our financial position in order to better share who we are, what we do, and how you can be involved with us!
Collaboration is at the center
Organizations can’t fight poverty on their own. Get connected. We are stronger together.